Complex trauma surgeon in Vijayawada

What is a complex trauma?

Trauma can occur at any time and any place. There are no said rules as to which bones are affected and how they are affected. Handling complex orthopedic trauma needs immense experience and expertise in the filed as it needs to cater to not just the musculoskeletal part but also the other organs affected by the trauma as well. Dr.Prashanth Chalasani is complex trauma surgeon in Vijayawada who is well versed in handling extremely complex trauma cases with multiple fractures and broken bones. Multiple fractures, poly trauma, etc are taken up with utmost precision and care.

He has experience of over 2000 cases of Fracture fixations in form of -Nailing and platings

For Treating

  1. Severely committed fractures
  2. Intraarticular fractures
  3. Open Fractures with bone loss
  4. Pelvi acetabulum trauma
Complex trauma surgeon in Vijayawada

Also has highly quantitative and qualitative experience of Proximal & distal Tibia fractures in MIPPO, Distal femur, Proximal Humerus and Elbow fractures. Be it Emergency external fixations or open injuries management as well as hybrid external fixators, Dr. Prashanth at trauma emergency hospital in Vijayawada has handled it all in his years of experience.

Consult the orthopedic doctor in Vijayawada at accidental emergency hospital for complex trauma treatment.

Complex Trauma

High velocity injury, Badly shattered fracture, Joint reconstruction with plates to normal joint

Complex Trauma

Consultation for any ortho related issues

Please Call @ +91 969 2525 969